The Facts About E-Cigarettes & Vaping Folding Display
Tackling the misperception that vaping e-cigarettes is a risk-free alternative to smoking, this eye-opening, educational folding display explains the hazards of e-cigarettes and why e-cigarettes are unsafe for young people, pregnant women, and nonsmoking adults. Eye-catching graphics and text reveal that vaping e-cigarettes fuels nicotine addiction, e-cigarette vapor is filled with harmful chemicals, vaping can lead to smoking regular cigarettes, and more.
Topics covered include:
- What are e-cigarettes?
- Are e-cigarettes safer than smoking?
- What’s in e-cigarette vapor?
- What are the risks of nicotine in e-cigarettes?
- How can e-cigarettes harm young people?
- Are e-cigarettes safe during pregnancy?
- Other dangers of e-cigarettes
- Can e-cigarettes help adult cigarette smokers quit?
- Getting help
Perfect for raising awareness about the dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping among young people and adults. 58" x 22½" opened.