Cancers of the Female Organs Booklet

ITEM: 40015
25 – 249$1.00
250 – 499$1.50
500 +$1.00


Cancers of the female reproductive organs affect thousands of women each year. This 16-page booklet addresses risk factors, warning signs, tests, and treatments for cervical, ovarian, and endometrial cancer. Great for women’s health fairs, clinics, and more. Minimum order is 25.

Perfect For Women’s Health Events & Clinics, This Booklet Discusses Cervical, Endometrial & Ovarian Cancer. Also Provides Tips To Help Protect Health.

Present women with important information about cancers of the female reproductive system. This booklet discusses cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer. Covers the female reproductive system; exams and procedures; precancerous conditions; and warning signs, tests, and treatments for cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer. Also provides tips to help women protect their health. 16 pages. Minimum order is 25.