BSE Mini Pocket Guide

ITEM: 37001
25 – 249$0.70
250 – 499$0.60
500 +$0.50


In a convenient, wallet-size (3½" x 8½" opened) format, this mini pocket guide is a great handout for women’s breast health education. Covers breast self-awareness, the importance of early detection for breast cancer, possible warning signs of breast cancer, how to perform breast self-exam (BSE) using the vertical pattern, and mammography. Minimum order is 25.

Our BSE Mini Pocket Guide is a great health education handout to teach women to perform breast self-exam for breast cancer awareness. Visit our site to order!

Perfect to provide take-home information about the role of breast self-awareness in the early detection of breast cancer, this attractive mini pocket guide provides instructions for the performance of breast self-exam (BSE) using the vertical pattern. Also explains the importance of early detection of breast cancer, lists possible warning signs of breast cancer, and emphasizes consulting a healthcare professional to determine a schedule of breast cancer screening practices, including clinical exams and mammograms. Mini pocket guide measures 3½" x 8½" opened. Minimum order is 25.