Weigh Your Options: Alcohol Drinks Display

ITEM: 78217


Have a few drinks now, and before you know it, you may be packing on some extra weight. This interactive display features four weighted bags that allow viewers to feel the effects of extra calories from alcoholic beverages. Weights ranging from 1 to 5 pounds reflect the amount of weight gained as a result of daily consumption of a cocktail, two beers, a mixed drink, or a glass of wine in excess of daily calorie needs. Accompanying, two-sided, 5" x 8" tent card explains how the extra calories can result in extra weight. An innovative way to highlight how calories from any source, including alcoholic beverages, can lead to weight gain.

Our engaging display is a unique tool to teach how consuming alcoholic drinks can easily lead to excess weight gain. Visit our site to learn more and order!

Many people don’t think about the calories in their alcoholic beverages, but these calories can really add up and pack on extra pounds if you exceed your daily calorie requirements. This interactive display features four weighted bags ranging from 1 to 5 pounds, revealing how much weight you could gain if you drink a glass of wine, two regular beers, a mixed drink, or a cocktail every day for a month in excess of your daily calorie needs. Viewers can pick up the bags and feel how the calories they drink could add inches to their waistline. Two-sided, 5" x 8" tent card explains the connection between alcoholic beverages and weight gain.