Breast Care Booklet, Spanish

ITEM: 40002
25 – 249$1.75
250 – 499$1.50
500 +$1.00


This Spanish-language, 16-page booklet highlights the role of mammography, clinical exams, and breast self-exam (BSE) for the early detection of breast cancer. Covers breast cancer risk factors, detection methods, diagnostic procedures, treatments, and the good news about progress in breast cancer survival. Also provides BSE instruction. A great take-home handout to reinforce information. Minimum order is 25.

Our Breast Care Booklet in Spanish is a great health education handout to teach women about breast cancer prevention and awareness. Visit our site to order!

Providing the basics about breast care, this informative booklet in Spanish teaches the importance of combining breast self-exam (BSE), mammography, and clinical exams for the early detection of breast cancer. Covers breast anatomy, benign conditions of the breast, cancerous conditions, breast cancer risk factors, detection methods, treatment methods, and progress in the fight against breast cancer. Also provides instruction in the basic BSE method using the vertical, circular, or wedge patterns. Perfect for any breast self-awareness program. 16 pages. Minimum order is 25.