Male Breastfeeding Model, Light

ITEM: 53731


Holding a baby in their arms can help expectant mothers learn proper breastfeeding positions. This realistic, easy-to-clean model (21" long; 2 lb, 8 oz) is perfect for them to hold while being instructed about breastfeeding positions or other care techniques, such as burping and proper tongue placement. Represents a 2- to 3-month-old infant. Models are available in both sexes. Brown, African, and Asian models also available.

This male infant model with light skin tone features an open mouth deep enough to insert a fingertip to check proper tongue positioning for breastfeeding.

This realistic model is perfect for demonstrating positions for breastfeeding, burping, and other newborn care techniques. The open mouth is deep enough to insert a fingertip, showing how to check whether the tongue is forward and cupped. Head can be positioned to show proper latch as well as how to take a baby off of the breast. Anatomically correct (foreskin intact). Comes with a hospital identification bracelet and cloth diaper. 21" long. 2 lb 8 oz. Models are available in both sexes. Brown, African, and Asian models also available.